Broken Turbocharger? What should you do?

Turbocharger defect? What should you do?

Today, turbochargers are becoming increasingly popular because they allow the engine's performance to increase effectively. Turbochargers are installed in almost all new diesel engines - this is the situation today. What should you do, however, if the turbocharger is defective? Many car owners ask themselves this question. Fortunately, you can currently order a turbocharger also online cheap. Turbochargers from leading manufacturers are e.g. to buy on the website


Modern turbochargers - important information

How does a turbocharger work? To increase the power of an internal combustion engine, a higher air supply is essential. This is ensured by a turbocharger. Each turbocharger consists of a turbine and a compressor. These main parts of the turbocharger are connected to a shaft. The turbine wheel is called a hot side. No wonder. The wheel is driven by exhaust gases from the moto. The cold side of the turbocharger, ie the compressor wheel, compresses the air in the intake system.

Turbocharger defective - common causes of damage

A faulty turbocharger is a big problem that mainly causes the performance of the engine to wane. What causes turbocharger defects? In most cases, damage to the turbocharger is caused by external factors. The main causes of damage to the turbocharger are:

Foreign body damage - This is a variety of damage caused by materials in the exhaust manifold or intake manifold. They can be seen on the turbine wheels;

Oil supply interruptions - this issue should be taken seriously. The interruptions to this oil supply (caused, for example, by low oil pressure or pollution) may even result in the combustion of the bearings;

no oil pressure - this factor can lead to serious bearing damage. For example, burns of the bearings;

Overheating - soot from burnt oil means that the exhaust gas temperature is just too high. Overheating can cause damage to bearings, shaft.


Turbocharger defective - symptoms and repair

What happens with a defective turbocharger? What symptoms are there? Above all, these are:

Lack of power - in the case of a defect in the turbocharger, the performance of the car engine decreases rapidly;

relatively high oil consumption;

Oil at the compressor or at the turbine;

blue or black smoke;

Defect on the compressor or turbine wheel.


Anyone who has noticed such signs, should drive to a professional workshop. Only in a garage can the exact diagnosis be made. Currently, turbochargers can also be purchased in many online shops, e.g. on the website If it's just minor bugs, any repairs can be done easily by non-professionals. When replacing the turbocharger you should:

use new gaskets;

Clean the air filter;

Change oil and replace oil filter;

Check catalyst;

Clean lines;

Disconnect ignitions;

Build up oil pressure.